2014 Workshop

The 2014 New Zealand Geothermal Workshop was held in Auckland in November 2014 and once again proved popular with over 220 delegates from 7 countries attending. The theme for the 2014 NZGW was “conventional geothermal in the test time”. The workshop sought to explore how established the geothermal industry and to reflect on scientific and technical advances that withstood the test of time and remain very relevant today and for the future.
The NZGW keynote speakers included Professor Rosalind Archer, Chris Bromley, Dr David Dempsey, Dr Mike Dunstall, Dr Juliet Newson, Dr Peter Rose and Dr Eric Sonnenthal. There were 65 technical presentations. Each presentation is supported with a full length peer reviewed paper of which four people were awarded industry funded prizes for excellence.
We are very grateful to all of our sponsors in particular Mighty River Power for their ongoing high level of support towards this workshop. We would also like to recognise Contact Energy, New Zealand Geothermal Association, IESE Ltd, Geothermal New Zealand. Finally, we appreciate our industry partners who provided prizes for papers: NZGA, Contact Energy, MB Century and HERA.